Sunday, 2 December 2018

When the going gets tough...

Just because yesterday was a miserable, MISERABLE day (in terms of the weather, of course) and I spent a large part of the afternoon sitting at my laptop trying to dry off and warm up... All in the name of horses.
But we love them, right?!

Elsa Aldridge let out a deep sigh as she stood in the doorway to the tack room, watching as the heavy rain lashed almost horizontally across the yard.

The paddocks were almost under water, and she was glad she had got the horses in to their warm, dry, cosy stables before the heavens had well and truly opened. But she still had a herd of youngsters grazing down the valley - wintering out - and she would need to take them hay. She imagined the river was running high and the tracks running alongside it that she needed to take to get to them, would probably resemble mud soup. She just hoped the trusty old quad bike still had it in it to make it to them.

The sky was dark grey and showed no signs of clearing any time soon. Wisps and swirls of lighter clouds dotted here and there only served to tease her that they would break into clear, blue skies.

Timber Bear gazed out over her stable door, hay trailing from her mouth which was carried away across the yard in the wind. Elsa frowned as she watched it settle in the pools of water clogging up the already struggling drains of the old farmyard.

The chestnut mare nickered as she observed Elsa, wondering when her food was coming. Elsa took a final sip of her lukewarm tea before placing the mug that had been warming her hands, back on the side. Minty the yard cat snuggled beside the kettle, giving her a look to say he would not be venturing outside any time soon while the rain was so fierce.

But Elsa had no choice, and she pulled her damp coat tightly around her, zipping it all the way up to her chin. It was getting tired and tatty, and had been drenched so many times that it was beginning to leak. Her old faithful yard boots were going the same way, too, but they were so comfortable that she didn't want to trade them in just yet. She contemplated wrapping her feet in plastic bags before sliding them into her boots so that she could prolong their life a little longer.

Her gloves were soaked, having had no chance to dry out on the tack room’s portable heater, but she pulled them on anyway.

"I love my job...I love my job..." she muttered to remind herself, as she waded through the floods towards the feed shed. She grabbed a broom on her way, and swept the debris away from the drains to let some of the water flow. But she knew it was helpless unless she planned on doing that all day, which she most certainly didn't, and soon the water was building up again. As she felt her toes squelching against her sodden socks inside her boots, a desk job had suddenly never looked so tempting.

She had a local recruitment agent’s number stored in her phone, especially for days like this. Secretary or receptionist, personal assistant or bookkeeper had all sounded so dull back in the summer, but they had a certain ring to them now as she scraped her wet hair from her face. But she wondered, as she looked around at her cosy little yard and the long, loyal faces gazing longingly at her over stable doors, could she ever bear to leave all this behind?

She remembered back to the summer, which suddenly now seemed so far away, even though the eventing season had only finished a month ago. She remembered easily the jubilation she felt every time Sophia – her employer and best friend – crossed the finish line with another clear cross country round under her belt. And there was nothing on earth like the joy she felt when their horses had tried their hearts out, and especially so when Sophia picked up a rosette and some prize money. She couldn’t imagine anyone working in a boring office ever got those kinds of thrills. And those highs surely made up for the lows such as miserable days like these, didn’t they?

She suspected the only time those office workers were at risk at getting even slightly rain damaged was when they popped out to pick up their morning coffee, so hard was the life they led. But making the switch to the warm and dry had been on her mind a lot recently, even though she tried to shove it to the back of her thoughts.

I am needed here, anyway, she reminded herself as the occupants of the stables started banging at their doors at the first sign of the feed shed door opening, and she could not restrain the smile that lit up her face, even through the raindrops.

"So, this is it," Elsa spoke to them all as she made her way along the row of stables with the wheelbarrow, chucking in their feed as she went. “Summer is officially over, and winter is well and truly on its way.”

She was soaked through to the bone, and would kill for a shower. She ached all over, and hadn’t even finished her jobs yet. By the time she had got inside and warmed up with a nice glass of red wine, it would probably be bed time. But she would be back out again tomorrow, ready to do it all again. Her horses would be waiting for her, gazing optimistically over their stable doors in between grabbing mouthfuls of hay, at any sign of her little cottage door opening. Then they would nicker at her arrival; a soft sound that made her heart swell. It could be tough – and when it was tough it was exceedingly tough – but more often than not it was brilliant, and as she looked around her, the rain lashing her face and stinging her eyes, she knew deep down she wouldn’t change any of it. Not for anything.

While #3 in the #HeartsandHorseTrials series is in production, you can buy the first two here:

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Why am I always so busy??

I have not been very good at writing this blog, and it is one of the things I vow to do better going forward. As the nights are now drawing in, the horse world is winding down and life for all of those in charge of animals becomes considerably harder with the change in weather!

I cannot believe how quickly the year is passing and everything that has been achieved, but at the same time everything that I wanted to achieve through writing and as yet haven’t... I wanted to have the third in the Hearts & Horse Trials series out a lot sooner, and as soon as Taking the Reins (#2) was finished and published I began cracking on with #3, but it now sits in my “waiting to be edited” pile as other things have taken over!

I have had lots of enquiries from eager readers wondering where #3 is, so I apologise for the wait and thank you all for your patience J

I am currently working on a couple of other projects but I cannot say much about them at the moment!

I often work on several projects at a time, putting one down when I feel it getting stale and picking a new one to refresh myself. It makes the journey from start to finish feel like less of a slog, too, if I can work on it in sections. It takes a massive inner-strength (or at least it did for me!) to take the plunge and publish a book to be read and scrutinised by the world. It is not something that I have yet found gets easier, after I released Good Intentions and then quickly afterwards, Taking the Reins, so I want to say thank you to everyone that takes the time to leave a review, and especially those that tell all their friends how much they enjoyed it! I do love hearing from readers, as writing can be incredibly lonely otherwise!

Reviews mean an awful lot to me – even the not so good ones – and I take everything on board. A few readers of the Hearts & Horse Trials series have mentioned that they would like to hear more from Frederick, so this is something I have strived to incorporate better in book #3.

Talking of Book #3...I need to go and get on with it! Speak soon xoxo

p.s. for those not familiar with Hearts & Horse Trials, Just a Groom is book #1 - and the place to start ;-) you're welcome!